Card payments
To chanage your card details you will need to use the
Manage My Cards page once logged into your Eco Web Hosting account. This page will allow you to add/remove card details and set the card you want to use as the default card for automatic renewals.
***Please note if are currently paying through Paypal, or a card payment setup before 9th of August 2017, you will need to cancel those payments in order for the card added to be used for automatic renewals.***
There is no direct way to substitute one set of payment details for another so for Paypal this in essence entails creating a new payment profile/subscription for the service that you want to update the payments for.
In order to do this you will need to login to your main Eco Web Hosting account and then go to the Order Add-ons section:
From there you will find options to create a new subscirption for all services, if you select your option (hosting or add-on service) and follow the purchase process through this will allow you to create your new payment. Once created you can then cancel the existing payment through Paypal (if appropriate) or contact our support team to cancel if this is a direct card payment.
***Please note any remaning period paid for will not be taken into account when creating the new subscription so if payment is not yet due contact our support team to cancel the existing payments. They can set the expiry date for the service to when payment is next due so you will be prompted to recreate your subscription at this point.***