Scheduled tasks (also known as cron jobs) can be set up through your Eco Web Hosting account, this feature allows a command to be executed automatically on a set schedule. To access login to the hosting control panel and then go to Web Tools > Scheduled Tasks:

The subsequent page will provide a little more information on setting up your scheduled tasks along with the interpreters to use with the various versions of PHP we run, Ruby, Python and Perl. Underneath this section you will find the options that allow you to add the command you want to run, set the timing for the cron to run and also set an email address if you want an email to be sent when the cron runs:

Command section will be used to enter the comand you want to run, in the example this will run a file named script.php in the /cron folder in the root of the webspace (above public_html) using the PHP 5.6 interpreter.
Following this are your options to set the timing for the cron to run:
Minutes - Either every (1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45) minutes or the number of minutes past the hour (0-59).
Hour - Either (Any) to use just the 'Minutes' setting or a the time of the hour in 24 hour format (0-23).
Day of Month - Either (Any) to use just the 'Minutes/Hour' setttings or the date to run each month (1-31).
Month - Either (Any) to use 'Minutes/Hour/Day of Month' settings or select a specific month (Jan-Dec).
Day - Either (Any) if you don't need to specify or choose the day of the week (Mon - Sun).
Email option allows you to enter the email address to send the script output to, leave this blank if you don't need this sending out.