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Uploading your site

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Hosting has been created so now it's time to upload your website to our servers to put your site live. There are two main options for you to upload the choice of which will depend on the number of files you have and how comfortable you feel using each one.

File Manager

If you only have a few files to upload, or are just getting started, then the File Manager may be the option you want to pick, this is a web based interface designed for light usage that can be accessed through your Eco Web Hosting account without any extra software being needed.

To access you will need to login to the hosting control panel (see the guide here for more information) and from there select the File Manager option:

Once accessed you will see the following options, if you hover over each of the icons you will be given details of what this can be used for, the main option you will want to use is the cloud icon on the top menu that will allow you to select files to upload:

If you have a large number of files to upload or need to upload the full file structure then you will want to use FTP software in order to upload.

FTP Software

For larger uploads using an FTP client will make the process a lot less time consuming. There are a number of free FTP clients available to help you upload, FireFTP is a popular choice if you are using Firefox as this acts as a browser plugin, if you use a different browser or want a standalone client then FileZilla or SmartFTP would be a good starting point.

Before configuring your chosen FTP client you will need to take two steps in the hosting control panel. Firstly, you will need to unlock FTP, this can be done from the option in the right hand menu once you are logged into your hosting control panel, you have the option to either unlock for a set time period or for the IP that you are currently using:

Once this has been done you will also need to get your FTP details to configure the connection in the FTP client, these can be found in the option just below the Unlock FTP option in the hosting control panel:

If your domain is not registered or pointing to our nameservers then you can find the details to use for varying aspects of your hosting in the nameserver setup option, this lists the ftp server/hostname to use in your client:


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