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Web Optimisation

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The Web Optimisation page is a great tool to automatically apply some common best practices to improve your site load speed. The section is broken down into the following section.

HTML Optimisation - This includes changes to the HTML such as adding a Head tag to the document if it encounters a Body tag beforehand. It also allows you to remove comments within the code which are often used to mark code or disable lines of code.


JavaScript Optimisation - This will allow you to alter how the JavaScipt loads in order to help improve site performance. Changes can include Combining many javascript files into one file on-site load or Deferring the loading of Javascript until after the page loads to avoid render blocking.


CSS Optimisation - Common changes to the CSS can include combining the CSS files into a single Distinct CSS file in order to reduce the number of HTTP requests on page load.


Image Optimisation - With image optimisation, you can make multiple changes to images types and how your site loads the images in order to reduce the size of the site load. This can include converting images to Animated images or WebP Images or you can recompress images, which will remove excess metadata and convert gifs into pngs.


Each Optimisation has a risk level attached to it. The levels are as follows:


These risk levels will help you to decide if each option will be worth using for your site. If anything does break on the site as a result you can revert the options in order to get this back.

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