There are three separate methods for managing the DNS for your domain depending on whether the domain has hosting attached or not, they are split as follows:
Hosted Domain
For a domain with hosting attached you will need to login to the
Hosting Control Panel and then go to
Domains > Manage DNS:
The page that loads will then allow you manage the DNS for your domain. To ensure these changes take effect please ensure your domain is pointing to our platform's nameservers:
Non-hosted Domain (UK domain or registered/transferred from October 2017 onwards)
If your domain does not have hosting attached and is a UK domain, or was registered/transferred from October 2017 onwards, then there will be a slightly different method to manage the DNS. From your Eco Web Hosting account go to the
Manage Domains page, select your domain to login to the domain control panel and then click on
Manage DNS:
Non-hosted Domain (registered/transferred prior to October 2017)
For a domain with no hosting attached that was registered/transferred prior to October 2017 the control panel will look slightly different:

These changes will only take effect if the domain has no hosting attached and is pointing to either of the following set of nameservers: ( (
** For more information on the DNS Management page please see our guide here. **