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How do I create/update/delete a custom package type?

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To create a new customer package type or to update an existing one, scroll down to “Reseller Services: Manage Your Customers’ Services” in your control panel, and select “Manage Package Types”.


To create a new custom package.

When you create a new custom package, start by entering the package name. Each package name must be unique, so if the same name exists on our system you will be asked to choose another name for your package.

Then choose an operating system for your package — Linux or Windows.

Then choose the limits for your package. If you don't wish to limit a particular option, enter “Unlimited” in the field.


Then choose the scripts you wish to be available to your customers for one-click installation. Tick the box to select each script or choose “Select All” to select everything.

You can also create custom Index, Deactivated, and Service Unavailable pages for your customers.

Once you have chosen all your features for this package, click “Create New Package Type” and your package will be saved and available for you to assign to your customers.

To edit an existing package.

To edit an existing package, select the package you wish to edit from the drop-down menu and click “View Package Type”.

This will load your package so you can make any amendments you need. Once you are done, click” Update Package Type” and your edits will be saved and applied to existing customers with this package.

To delete an existing package

To delete an existing package, select the package you wish to delete from the drop-down menu and click “View Package Type”.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Delete Package Type”.

Please note: You will need to ensure that you have no customers attached to this package before you delete it.

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