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Installing Laravel on your Eco Web Hosting package

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1. SSH into your hosting package -> to do this all you need to do is log in to your hosting package and select the SSH icon from the panel dashboard. If you change the password or decide to use 2-factor authentication, it will take some time to process on the server end.

2. Install Composer -> Instructions on installing composer programmatically can be found here.

3. Install Laravel installer -> use this command to install the installer...
composer global require "laravel/installer"

4. Create Project - > now its time to create a project.

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog "5.4.*"

5. Restructuring -> the Apache will serve public_html file by default. If you create a symlink from public_html to your laravel folder you will be able to serve the contents of this folder directly

ln -sf laravelfolder/public ~/public_html

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