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ICANN Verification

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As of the 1st January 2014 it has now become a mandatory requirement from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Name and Numbers (ICANN) that all ICANN accredited registrars verify the WHOIS contact information for all new domain registrations, domain transfers and registrant contact modifications. ICANN is the body responsible for ensuring a stable and secure internet and developing Registrar and Registrant policy.

When you first register a domain name with Eco Web Hosting you will receive an email titled "IMPORTANT VERIFICATION required for *******" which will contain your name, email address and a link that you can click on to verify the details, you will need to use this link within 15 days of registration in order to verify and ensure the domain remains live.

[i]***** It's worth noting at this stage if the email has not been received that ICANN verify by email address, as opposed to per domain, so if have another domain with the same details and they are already verified you won't need to verify another domain using the same address so you won't receive another email. *****

[/i]If the domain is not verified in time your domain will display a page similar to the one below, this will allow you to request the verification email to be resent to the registrant email to allow you to then verify the domain and bring this back online:


If you are not receiving the email when requesting through the page check that your registrant email is not one on the domain itself before raising a ticket. If this address is associated to the domain the email will not be received due to this being suspended.

If this is not that case please raise a ticket to support and they can check this at the registry for you.

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